Tuesday, March 16, 2010

To Kill a Mockingbird - thoughts and reflections

After viewing the play for "To Kill a Mocking Bird", I was impressed and a bit sad. I was impressed because the cast had very exceptional acting skills, and the life-like play was very well planned and organised. I was a bit sad due to the outcome, which is Tom Robinson's death (he was shot by six bullets in an escape attempt). The story is about racial unjustice, and how Atticus Finch, a famous lawyer known to help black people. He is also very respected in the Maycomb county. His two children, Scout and Jem, are both very adventurous and lively. They meet Dill, and had some mischievous ventures, often leading them to danger. They also think Boo Radley, the old man neighbor who seldom comes out, was a scary and mysterious figure. In one occasion, Tom Robinson, a black, was accused of raping a white girl, Mayella Violet Ewell. Atticus tried to prove Tom innocent, and everyone was convinced in his words of wisdom. However, the jury, mainly consisting of whites, declared Tom guilty. As Tom tried to escape, he was shot down by 6 bullets. On another occasion, the 3 teenagers (Dill, Scout, Jem) were in the woods when they saw an approaching Bob Ewell, the drunkard father of Mayella Violet Ewell. He was wielding a knife. As he neared them, they found out that he was drunk and when he charged at them, they were petrified. At this time, Boo Radley, thought to be an anti-social and mean old man, engaged Bob Ewell in a quick exchange of blows and successfully delivered a fatal blow to Bob Ewell, using his own knife. While the children were amazed that Boo Radley saved their lives, Atticus was not pleased. He refused to believe that Bob Ewell killed himself accidently, as told by the children. Maycomb's sheriff arrives and discovers that Bob Ewell has been killed in the struggle. The sheriff argues with Atticus about the unjustice and ethics of holding Jem or Boo responsible, as they are both naive and innocent young children. Therefore, Atticus eventually accepts the sheriff's story that Ewell simply fell on his own knife. The play is based on the popular thought that mocking birds are little creatures whom does no harm and sings their sweet little songs. Therefore it was believed that mockingbirds are not to be killed or harmed. In the story, Tom Robinson, and Boo Radley are the supposedly "mockingbirds". They do no harm, however are getting attacked by others. Tom Robinson died due to prejudice and contrary belief that blacks are of a lower class than whites. He never did any harm to anyone, but he still fell victim and joined the thousands of blacks being classified and discriminated. As for Boo Radley's case, he was thought of as a mean, unsocial-able, and angry old man. However, he showed the children how brave and caring he can be, and to try to step in another's shoes. Overall I think it is a very excellent play, and I wish to watch more plays similar to that in the future. :)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Today there is Literature class.
I'll be telling her my blog's address, so I wonder what she'll think of my so called "literature" blog !!!!!!!!!

Meanwhile in silent reading session I read the book "Chicken Soup for the teenage Soul " again.
The story I read was about a valentine.
There was a boy whom had liked and nearly stalked Lisa, a hot teen blonde beauty of the class.
One day he sent a valentine letter in her locker reluctantly, and Tyler, a bully,

Book introduction

Today I borrowed, and read partially a book called "Chicken soup for the teenage soul" from the library.
Planning on reading it during Friday afternoon and the weekends.
The first story I read about it is called "She kisses like a horse"
It's about a girl whom got dumped by a boy called Max.
He spreads rumors about her bad kissing and her biting his tongue twice.
Worse yet, she even get harass calls sometimes with people "Nieghhhing" on the line to intimidate her.
Towards the end the girl decides to confront her problems and meets up with Max.
She noticed him by the lockers. He stammers and tries to look at her, and then she ultimately realized that he's scared of confronting her, as he is act "hip" as he would say it. He was controlled by a bunch of the more popular girls, and so the protagonist teen realized. She made up her mind to get on with her life and thus her burden was loosened. She, looking gorgeous enough to make other girls jealous, walked past him and went on to her class, never looking back, while Max lunged his head in shame and agony.
One day, when a boy asked her if she kissed like a horse, she confidently replied, embarrassing the boy."I've never kissed with a horse before, have you?"

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Literature Blog

OK. This is my first official grand and tremendous post here.
I'm new to blogspot (obviously) and it's supposed to be a literature blog.
I'll add book reviews and books that I've read, interesting things, news, etc etc soon.


My favorite quotes

Every rose has it's thorn. Every thorn has it's rose, too. - Anonymous

A friend in need is a friend indeed. - Anonymous

It doesn't matter how slow you go, as long as you don't stop. - Confucius

A journey of a thousand miles begin with a single step. - Lao Tzu

I allow winds of cultures to flow freely in my household, but I shall not be blown off my feet by any of them. -Gandhi

Do something honorable, and you will be remembered for a decades. Do something catastrophic and vile, and you will be remembered for centuries. - my teacher